Validation and transparency of Barista Training Skills 2023-FR-01-KA220-VET-000159634 Barista hizmetlerine olan talep artıyor, ancak bu mesleğe yönelik eğitim bölgemizde göz ardı ediliyor. Araştırmalar, mesleki eğitim ve yeniden eğitim fırsatlarını içeren Barista eğitimine artan bir ilgi olduğunu gösteriyor. Bu nedenle, özellikle turizm ve otelcilik alanındaki eğitimcilerle bilgi ve uygulamaları paylaşmak ve ilgili tüm ülkelerde turizm endüstrisinin kalitesini artırmak için diğer ülkelerle ortaklık kurmaya yönelik güçlü bir ilgi vardır. Tek bir kahve dükkanı ya da şirketinin tek başına çok sayıda turisti çekemeyeceğini ve bunun Barista Projesi’ndeki tüm ortak ülkelerde ortak bir sorun olduğunu belirtmek önemlidir. Bu nedenle, seyahat işletmeleri, restoranlar, oteller ve diğer turizm kuruluşları ile ortaklıklar, ilgili tüm taraflara fayda sağlayan sinerjilere yol açabilecek destekleyici bir ortam yaratabilir. Önerilen proje, kahve endüstrisine eğitim ve dijitalleşmeyi getirerek bu sorunları ele almayı amaçlamaktadır. Proje, Barista adayları ve kahve sektöründeki diğer profesyoneller için resmi eğitim fırsatları sağlayacaktır. Bu sayede proje, kahve endüstrisinde mevcut uzmanlık boşluğunu doldurmaya yardımcı olacak yeni mesleki profiller yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca proje, işletmelerin ve bireylerin kahve endüstrisiyle ilgili bağlantı kurmalarını, işbirliği yapmalarını ve bilgi paylaşmalarını sağlayacak dijital bir platform geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Amaç, birbirlerinden öğrenebilen, en iyi uygulamaları paylaşabilen ve birlikte yeni beceriler ve teknikler geliştirebilen barista profesyonellerinden oluşan dinamik bir topluluk oluşturmaktır. Bu işbirlikçi yaklaşım sayesinde proje, barista eğitimi ve öğretiminin kalitesini artırmayı ve sonuçta hem baristalar hem de müşterileri için daha iyi sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu işbirlikçi yaklaşım sayesinde proje, barista eğitimi ve öğretiminin kalitesini artırmayı ve sonuçta hem baristalar hem de müşterileri için daha iyi sonuçlar elde etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Europe in the digital age 2022‐1‐EL02‐KA153‐YOU-000058938 Our project is KA153-YOU – Mobility of youth workers, entitled: “Europe of the Digital Age. ACTIVE CITIZENS THROUGH DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY” 26 September – 1 October 2022. We involve 9 organizations from 9 countries, a total of 45 people. Hellas, Portugal, Hungary, Cyprus, Spain, Malta, Turkey, Estonia and Italy. With our work we are tackling the digital skills gap and promoting strategies to improve the level of digital skills in Europe. We create training and networking opportunities for youth workers, project managers, young people, all citizens. The topics we choose to explore focus on the development of digital skills, directly linked to youth employability, citizens’ daily lives and cyber security.
Gamification, Digitalization and Practical Tools for Developing Circular Economy Skills2022‐1‐EE01‐KA220‐ YOU‐000090946 Gamification, Digitalization and Practical Tools for Developing Circular Economy Skills Project encourages youth to take action in reducing youth unemployment and tackling the climate crisis. In this respect, it directly serves the 7th and 10th Goals of the EU Youth Strategy. Project provides opportunities for young people to gain new knowledge about economics, design and business models, as well as using them to develop circular economy skills. The project promotes cross-sectoral cooperation by increasing the green skills of young people necessary for the transition to CE+ Proje Web Sitesi :
Self‐MAnagement, entrepreneurship & individual Responsibility 2020‐1‐UK01‐KA226‐ VET‐094430 Self‐MAnagement, entrepreneurship & individual Responsibility Self-management, entrepreneurship, & individual responsibility (KA226): The SMART VET training program and interactive tools aim at equipping VET teachers, trainers and mentors in +learn innovative mentoring and fostering techniques based on non-formal education to tackle some of the challenges offered by the remote-learning situation +learn how to use digital, interactive materials and tools to provide more engaging learning possibilities to (ex) VET students +learn how to foster (ex) VET students’ soft skills via mentoring while in remote learning situation. Proje Web Sitesi :
Digital Transformation for Future 2021‐1‐EL02‐KA153‐ YOU‐000012478 The project DTF: Digital Transformation for Future wants to train youth workers and young volunteers with digital skills and tools in order to create activities for unemployed young people to increase their chances to enter the job market.According to the numerous analyses conducted, the issue of unemployment is one of the most critical to be solved; therefore, equipping Youth Workers with new world skills would give them the ability to realize themselves in the coming years. The project DTF: Digital Transformation for Future wants to train youth workers and young volunteers with digital skills and tools in order to create activities for unemployed young people to increase their chances to enter the job market.According to the numerous analyses conducted, the issue of unemployment is one of the most critical to be solved; therefore, equipping Youth Workers with new world skills would give them the ability to realize themselves in the coming years.The training course will involve activities such as role play games, group discussion, practical experiments and sharing of best practices based on the non-formal learning methodology, related to digital tools and digital competencies, with a particular focus on online communication.
Ask Youth: Exchange Experience on Structure Dialogue 2021‐1‐EL02‐KA154‐000010128 Ask Youth: Exchange Experince on Structure Diyalogue Ask youth: “Exchange Experience on Structured Dialogue” is the title of an international youth seminar that will bring together European participants. Through structured dialogue, young people can hold meetings and talks with formal, non-formal, and informal policymakers responsible for making decisions that concern their future. The structured dialogue, youth participation, new channels of involvement and the concerns of European society for youth will be addressed by youth provided by a group of trainers and facilitators in collaboration with those responsible for making guests decisions; young people try to analyze existing youth risk and threatening the future of their careers: abstention from democratic institutions, the deficit in welfare and social protection policies, austerity, underemployment
Let’s Start Neets2021‐1‐PL01‐KA220‐ YOU‐000029441 The project’s primary goal is to improve young people’s employability by helping them acquire fundamental and transferable skills like initiative, teamwork, effective communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Strengthening several talents of NEETs in Europe, including entrepreneurship, interdisciplinary work, critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, teamwork, and information literacy through social entrepreneurship, to improve their employability.
“From Emotional Management to Emotional Resilience” (EMER) 2020‐1‐LT01‐KA204‐ ADU‐078088 Emotional intelligence is an essential skillset for navigating the complexities of the world today. It’s a key predictor of Effectiveness, Relationships, Wellbeing & Quality of Life. That’s one reason the World Economic Forum identifies it as one of the essential skills for the future. Unfortunately, around the globe, emotional intelligence has been on the decline since 2011. Living in the era of technological revolution, every ten years we adapt to changes that never existed in our life before. From rigorous digitalization to the 24/7 social media influence, from the changing professions to adapting with the ways of Gen Y, including stressful situation of COVID-19, it is only natural to feel emotionally tied down at times. In the times of the stressful life, adults have a need for support and learning how to overcome all this, help themselves and ensure better future in all their life spheres: both personal life and work. Erasmus+ Adult education strategic partnership project “From Emotional Management to Emotional Resilience” (EMER) seeks to encourage people having fewer opportunities (e.g. elderly, from rural areas, unemployed, etc.) to overcome difficulties, to develop abilities to manage their emotions and become more resilient emotionally. Our overall objective is linked also to the ET 2020 policy objective of “Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship – project participants will take part in the activities in the programme that address their personal development, focusing especially on building their self-confidence, improving attitude and behaviour, and enhancing basic skills such as communication, team working, etc. The partnership involves various organisations from Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Italy and Turkey: adult education centres, non-profit associations, private training provider, public educational club. Team of experienced adult educators and psychologists will work together to provide high quality, innovative training tools for adult educators and high-demanded learning opportunities for adults. Within the framework of the project, such intellectual outputs will be developed:(1) “EMER – Emotional Management: Step-by-Step to Emotional Resilience” – Training Materials with Techniques Using Gamification(2) E-platform “EMER – Emotional Management: Step-by-Step to Emotional Resilience”, including educational videos of the project, aims to create a continuously learning society and to enhance taking life-long learning opportunities. The project deals on promoting lifelong learning through providing opportunities in education with the focus on strengthening adults’ life skills. All products (methodology) could be easy adapted and transferred to other sectors: youth, higher education, schools, VET education, etc. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact us Proje Web Sitesi:
Smart Projesi 16 Haziran 2023
Akıllı Mesleki Eğitim Öz-Yönetim, Girişimcilik ve Bireysel Sorumluluk 16 Haziran 2023’te Türkiye’de Mesleki Eğitim ve Öğretim eğitmenleri, öğretmenler, Gönüllüler ve Okullar, Paydaşlar ve STK’lardan temsilcilerin katıldığı Çoğaltan Etkinliği düzenlendi /*! elementor – v3.21.0 – 26-05-2024 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}
Smart Projesi 26 Mayıs 2023
Akıllı Mesleki Eğitim Öz-Yönetim, Girişimcilik ve Bireysel Sorumluluk 26 Mayıs 2023 tarihinde Türkiye’de Altınkum Meslek Yüksekokulu Meslek Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin katılımıyla öğrenci pilotluğu etkinliği gerçekleştirildi.